Today we were put into our TIE groups at first I was worried that we wouldn't work well together because I don't normally talk to some of the people in my group, however after the tasks we did I'm looking forward to working with new people and listening to their opinions.
Our first task was to create a short play as if we were in a confined are using a small space, at first it was hard to work as a group because we weren't use to each other but I think that after we felt more comfortable with each other it was a lot easier for me to talk and share my ideas. However I think there is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to working together. By becoming more comfortable with each other it will allow us to grow as actors.
We were also given the task to use a small space and make the audience think we were in a large area.
I found this very challenging because I didn't quite know how to achieve this however my group and I sat down for a bit and discussed different possible ways to do so.
In the above picture our group is performing a piece in which there is a couple who lost there children in a huge cemetery on halloween and we had to use the space within the yellow lines and make it seem like we were in a huge area. After perfuming both of the tasks we sat down and discussed the different things we need to do to improve after talking with Mr. Evans I realised that we need to work a lot more collaboratively and have more group discussion. I aim to encourage other group members to express their ideas and thoughts so that we are all contributing to the performance. Also I learnt it is important to say what you feel so that when you are performing your comfortable with what you are doing.After reflecting on todays lesson I would like to try and be more creative and use my imagination more when preparing and discussing in our groups.
In the last 15 minutes of class we were given the task to create game using the items in the picture bellow.
I think this activity made us work more collaboratively with each other, we all contributed towards the game and gave different ideas. I enjoyed making the game because I think it was the time in which we worked the best as a team.