Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Working Collaboratively as a Group

Today our main focus of the lesson was team building and working together with our groups collaboratively. Through out the lesson Mr. Evans gave us different tasks that we had to do as a group. The tasks made us get out our comfort zone, I feel like the tasks we did brought our group close together both physically and mentally and made us more comfortable with each other.

Our first task was to tangle our selves into each other and we had to stay attached and get from one side of the room to the other without disconnecting from each each other. After that we had to tangle ourselves again but the second time only one person was allowed to move at a time. 

We were also given the task to go from one side of the room to the other staying physically connected to the rest of the group but the challenge was two of the members weren't allowed to touch the floor and they couldn't were allowed to be touch with arms so we had to figure out a way to carry them without using out hands. 

We were also given the task to cross from one side of the room to the other as a group with an evident leader while acting like chickens. As you can see in the picture above we made a triangular formation and followed Truman. I think the formation we used made us look more like a group than if we would have done it in a straight line. 

At the end of class we sat in a circle and we developed our improvising skills, Mr. Evans played a man at an information desk and each of us had to go up to him and perform like a short act. 

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